The Gift of Reading

Do your kids curl up in front of television shows during weekends? Reading a book is any day better than watching television. Exposure to books and to reading should be an integral part of every child’s daily routine.

Do your kids ask you endless questions about where they came from and why the rainbow is colorful? Keep that sense of curiosity and wonder alive in their little minds. Encourage them to look up answers to their questions in dictionaries, encyclopedias, books of facts and every other reference book that they can get hold of.

Do libraries really help children be more successful in life? You bet. It is a well known fact that children who grow up with a love for books have improved attention spans, better concentration, self confidence, good linguistic skills and well developed minds. Libraries provide children with information and resources not available at home. They also help you find the right books for your children at every age.

The new children’s library has a wide collection of books by popular children’s authors of all times. We plan to offer a variety of fun events for children from time to time – story telling, reading aloud, puppet shows, magic performances and much more.

We will also keep your kids motivated to read with contests like the Reader of the Month and the Best Book Review of the Month.

Choose the best gift for your child – the Joy of Reading!