Category Archives: Health care
Dental workshop @Schoolkutti
Thanks to Dr Manikandan GR for conducting a very informative and fun-filled session on Oral Hygiene for children and parents.
Learning disabilities in Children
Learning disabilities or disorders, is term used to describe a variety of learning problems. In most cases it is not a problem with intelligence. In fact, Kids with learning disabilities are as smart as everyone else. Its just that their brains are wired differently. This affects how they receive and process information. This can lead to trouble with learning new things putting them to use.
But the important thing to remember is that most kids with learning disabilities are just as smart as everyone else. They just need to be taught in ways that are tailored to their unique learning styles.
Signs and symptoms of learning disabilities: Preschool age 1 – 4
- Trouble making eye contact
- Difficulty in playing with peers
- Problems pronouncing words
- Difficulty rhyming
- Trouble learning the alphabet, numbers, colors, shapes, days of the week
- Difficulty following directions or learning routines
- Difficulty controlling crayons, pencils, and scissors, or coloring within the lines
Signs and symptoms of learning disabilities: Ages 5-9
- Trouble learning the connection between letters and sounds
- Unable to blend sounds to make words
- Confuses basic words when reading
- Slow to learn new skills
- Consistently misspells words and makes frequent errors
- Trouble learning basic math concepts
- Difficulty telling time and remembering sequences
Signs and symptoms of learning disabilities: Ages 10-13
- Difficulty with reading comprehension or math skills
- Trouble with open-ended test questions and word problems
- Dislikes reading and writing; avoids reading aloud
- Poor handwriting
- Poor organizational skills (bedroom, homework, desk is messy and disorganized)
- Trouble following classroom discussions and expressing thoughts aloud
- Spells the same word differently in a single document
Common types of learning disabilities
Dyslexia – Difficulty with reading
- Problems reading, writing, spelling, speaking
Dyscalculia – Difficulty with math
- Problems doing math problems, understanding time, using money
Dysgraphia – Difficulty with writing
- Problems with handwriting, spelling, organizing ideas
Dyspraxia (Sensory Integration Disorder) – Difficulty with fine motor skills
- Problems with hand-eye coordination, balance, manual dexterity
Dysphasia/Aphasia – Difficulty with language
- Problems understanding spoken language, poor reading comprehension
Auditory Processing Disorder – Difficulty hearing differences between sounds
- Problems with reaiding, comprehension, language
Visual Processing Disorder – Difficulty interpreting visual information
- Problems with reading, math, maps, charts, symbols, pictures
ADHD – While not considered a learning disability, can certainly disrupt learning. Children with ADHD often have problems sitting still, staying focused, following instructions, staying organized, and completing homework.
Autism – Difficulty mastering certain academic skills can stem from pervasive developmental disorders such as autism and Asperger’s syndrome. Children with Autism Specturm disorders may have trouble communicating, reading body language, learning basic skills, making friends, and making eye contact.
The diagnosis and testing process for learning disabilities
Diagnosing a learning disability is a process. It involves testing, history taking, and observation by a trained specialist. Finding a reputable referral is important.
Learning disabilities can be extremely frustrating for children. Kids with learning disabilities may have trouble expressing their feelings, calming themselves down, and reading nonverbal cues from others. This can lead to difficulty in the classroom and with their peers.
The good news is that, as a parent, you can have a huge impact in these areas. Social and emotional skills are the most consistent indicators of success for all children—and that includes kids with learning disorders. They outweigh everything else, including academic skills, in predicting lifelong achievement and happiness.
Learning disabilities, and their accompanying academic challenges, can lead to low self-esteem, isolation, and behavior problems, but they don’t have to. You can counter these things by creating a strong support system for children with learning disabilities and helping them learn to express themselves, deal with frustration, and work through challenges.
By focusing on your child’s growth as a person, and not just on academic achievements, you’ll help him or her learn good emotional habits that set the stage for success throughout life.
All the best
George Mathew
Founder & CEO, The Wonder Years Primary Schools
Getting the right health care for your kids
This might be every parent’s dream – a pediatrician who is a good listener, caring, friendly, available and of course, an expert in his area. When moving to a new city, one of the most important things to do is finding the best healthcare for your children. Getting a list of pediatricians in your locality along with reviews and recommendations from other parents
can be very helpful for those who are on the lookout for the right pediatrician.
For developing good oral hygiene throughout life, regular health checkups (once in every six months) are recommended right from a tender age. A trip to the dentist can be a a scary event for some children. Pediatric dentists are dentists who have expertise and training in the treatment of children and adolescents. Making children happy and entertained during the dental visits is something they are experienced in. Don’t you think your child deserves a pediatric dentist too?
We have top-notch pediatricians and pediatric dentists across the city listed in Make sure you go over all the options and read reviews online before you zero in on the right health care providers for your kids.