Butterfinger’s author at Schoolkutti.com Children’s Library
Prize winning author Smt. Khyrunnisa’s visit to the Schoolkutti.com Children’s Library on November 9 created a rich, powerful connection between children and reading. She had our young participants enthused, enthralled, involved and hanging on to her every word. Children were engaged from the minute she started narrating her journey as a writer right through the reading of her wonderful books!
It was a unique experience for the children to know about the writing process-finding ideas for inspiration, drafting a story through words and pictures, revising and editing before it goes for publishing. They asked wonderful questions and the author responded with patience, encouragement, and enthusiasm.
She read excerpts from her own book “Howzzat Butterfingers” followed by “The Puffin book of Funny Stories” and also from one out of Richmal Crompton’s William series. The session ended with a fun quiz that tested the group’s knowledge of children’s literature.