Daily Archives: December 10, 2017

On kindness, sitting still and more…

Last weekend, our delightful little readers at Schoolkutti.com Children’s Library had a great time listening to the Chinese story ‘The Grateful Snake’ from the book ‘Story told around the world’. This story teaches about small acts of kindness to the importance of being a true friend.



After the story time, the kids worked on a few spelling puzzles. Then, we had lots of fun doing a role play based on the well-loved favorite ‘Pied Piper of Hamelin’, that was decidedly unprepared and natural. It was lovely to see the children expressing without inhibitions and communicating in their own words.




During the read-it-yourself time, the children enjoyed the adventures of the super active girl Viji from the book ‘Sit Still’ by Karishma Mahbubani with illustrations by Suzzanne Rebello. They could easily relate to this girl with boundless energy, due to reasons that need not be explained 🙂


Some of the kids got so excited that they even went on to strike some yoga poses to show us how flexible and strong they were.

Finally, they took turns to read and discuss some interesting facts about polar bears.


Join us on Saturday mornings for stories, word games, puzzles, interesting facts and lots of fun.
Feel free to contact us @ 9847320281.