Spreading the joy of reading


Schoolkutti team had a great time sharing stories with children at the summer camp organized by Vidyamritam for less-privileged children. Stories with Indian characters with Indian names like Kutti and Kannan, are something most Indian children can relate with. Hence, it’s always a joy to read out stories from Indian Publishers like Karadi Tales. We started off with the perfect read aloud book – ‘Kutti and the mouse’. Children burst into peals of laughter trying to imagine the plight of kutti who almost swallowed a mouse while expecting to relish a kozhukatta. When you read aloud to kids, you can instantly tell if a story grabs their attention. The phrase “A picture paints a thousand words“ is one that definitely applied here – how eager the kids were to see the cute, engaging and whimsical illustrations on every page of the book.
